Country house

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Haha I like more contrasty look usually too, but I think the soft original here works more. It looks more natural, less like visualization. The Vignetting became too strong for such photo-realistic image.
I really like this. I like how all of your greens match in the image so as not to distract from the well framed house. Great job on the texturing, modeling, lighting, etc... My one and only comment/suggestion would be a liitle more contrast. Just a simple S-Curve and a maybe a hue Sat to correct any color that got away from the curves adjustment. [ATTACH=CONFIG]47087[/ATTACH] Really great though. Nice Job!
Thanks for comments Juraj, Shane and Marcin. I will have to render this again with just direct sun light and maybe some others suggestions when I get a chance.
awesome visual! Nice environment and lighting, keep it up!
The whole house and image reeks of F.L.Wright to me :- ) I didn't notice the mistakes of bark like others, the composition leads me nicely to the house. I wouldn't bother with such imperfection to be honest ;- ) Great work But I would love to see directly lit version too, with huge shadows from the trees ;- ) Side lightning maybe ?
very nice. :)
Thanks all comments and suggestions. I do not have the file here at the office but HDR sky dome intensity set to 40 then Vray sun at 2:00 only intensity changed from default .4. Vray physical camera
Bark or no bark (I did not even notice), it is a fabulous render all the way down to the birdie! Love it.
Thanks all for comments - I did the bald spots on ground surface on purpose. The lighting is a combination of hdr and Vray sun.
May i ask to show us Your scence Light Setting and the Position of that pleas /?
I would want to see how it looks if you change the tree barks. its looking awful to me. except that. the image is at the highest standard. congratulation
Thanks all for comments - I did the bald spots on ground surface on purpose. The lighting is a combination of hdr and Vray sun.
Thanks all for comments - I did the bald spots on ground surface on purpose. The lighting is a combination of hdr and Vray sun.
Outstanding work! The grass is just perfect for me. Check the roof material and the stone wall at the side of it. Looks flat. With some displacement will be fine. Cheers!
perfect in my opinion.
The textures might need some work like the tree's bark (over-photoshiop perhaps?) The grass in the front might need extra attention cause of the bald spots and quality of the shader used on the grass ------ The lighting is VERY real and good, I almost wish you did this in Mental Ray so I could ask for details of the settings. Very well lighting... The sky is overlit just right, as you would expect. I prefer this above HDR-toned renders with the sky visible. It's to often used to make a shitty building look good with a nice sky. thumbs up...