External Render

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your render is amazing it reminds me of my fathers pad
Hi, this is my first post on this forum. I recently produced this render for a client and was hoping for some critiques and comments from all you guys. Many thanks.
Good lighting, Your image would look better with a well developed landscape. Keep up the good work
Thanks Aubrey, The client wanted the front door to be completely flush with the frame and the interior to be very bare. I can see what you mean with the window mullions but they are not transparent, it's the glass material in front of them reflecting the wall behind the camera, it just so happens that the camera is set up at the same height as the walls so it gives that illusion.
Some nice elements, the lighting and materials are good. The two things that jump out at me are the entrance door and the back part of the house. The entrance door looks odd because it is set completely flush and is raised up with no step. Maybe it is a trick of the light but the back of the house looks almost translucent. It looks like the wall is visible through the window dividers. The interior is a little bare but that may be the look you were going for.