Broadford Farm Pavilion

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Very nice work! Specialy the last image. It's my favorite. Being a little critic, I would work the wood material a little more. The exterior floor should be more rustic and less shiny. Also would try make a little difference between the exterior and the interior in matter of colour maybe.
Hi O'mar First of all thanks for the compliments! I've been using cinema for probably 5-6 years now and really got serious about it 2 or so years ago. I checked out your gallery, and I'm impressed that you've only been using Cinema for 3 months! At that point I was still probably extruding cubes and only done some basic stuff haha. I spent probably a week of working on the scene off and on in my spare time, but then a few days ago I spend a a couple hours re-working it. Keep up the good work! It's nice seeing more Cinema artists out there.
Very nice images! I see you did this with C4D. I have been learning the program for 3 months but still have many miles to go see my gallery). How long did it take you to get this good? And how many hours of work did you put in here? Thanks.