House 2 floor

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The lighting is not bad,but there are some parameters that needs improvement.Your grass as said earlier needs displacement,maybe you can have a go at the displacements tuts on vray for SU.The sidewalk requires more texture..The pavements needs more bump,the car need more reflectivity and glosiness.You need to adopt post processing after the rendering,this one seems like a raw render.Maybe you can improve it and re post the progress?
OI Nelson Obrigado pelo comentário, eu não tenho uma biblioteca de displacement muito boa mesmo para a grama, mas estou providenciando.. A migração do papel para o software é assim mesmo, precisa ser lapidada. Até mais Lui
Hi Lui. UMHO, the illumination is ok but could be improved. It lacks a bit of contrast. It looks like the garden is floating. There´s a strange shadow under it. Grass is a pain in the neck to do ´cause of the displacement but I´d use multiscatter. It´s a nice image to start though. Good luck.