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It is a nice interior. Thanks for sharing for us all to take a look. One question: Is there a reason you decided not to use post production? It's a pretty good image out of the frame buffer, however, to me, it could definitely benefit from some post production. The biggest thing that jumps out at me is the lack of reflection and specular. I might render out a spec & raw reflection pass to help boost in post. Edit: On a second look the bed sheets could use some more organic nature to them. looks like a pretty uniform noise modifer right now... The items that look most flat without the reflection are the chairs and wood floor.
Really nice work. Warming up the room really helps the scene by giving it a definate time and place (especially now that contextual photography is included). Great improvements.
I like it a lot. Lightning is excellent, materials are excellent and the composition is great. Well done
Saturn, May not be what he used..., but here is a tutorial;
Thanks Ismael. Very interesting read.
Scaled the chairs. and spent some time looking for old references regarding the proposal location of the hotel. [ATTACH=CONFIG]41477[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]41478[/ATTACH]
Saturn, May not be what he used..., but here is a tutorial;
Better. I like the warm light too. This is a really stupid question but how do you do a wireframe render like the one you have shown?
I noticed the scale diffrence aswell but the furniture is modeled in the same unit system, i guess it`s the fact that there are 2 diffrent styles. I think i`ll scale the chairs a bit to match the rest. I tweaked the light a bit to give a more warm feeling. Here are is my last render, wireframe test too. Thanks for the great comments guys. [ATTACH=CONFIG]41465[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]41466[/ATTACH]
Beautiful. My only comment is that the chair at the end closest to the side table makes the bed look out of scale. I would consider removing that and replacing it with something else. IMHO. Great rendering!
Hi, Scale of the furniture look wrong to me.
Love the lighting and materials, and again! Nice!
Nice composition and lighting. And a lovely relaxed feel that suits a bedroom scene.