Student Center in Gowanus Canal

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Thanks for the comments guys! In regards to them, I don't really know if I have an official "style", at least not a conscious one, yet. This is only my second project in Rhino and Vray which we were introduced to the end of last semester. As for the images, my professor required us to all use the same photographs of the street corners to create a uniform display as my entire studio's work is displayed at the storefront of the current site of our "client". We were only given ~3.5 weeks to work on this project (super fast summer studio in NYC), so I intend to dig deeper and make it all the things that I wanted it to be but was literally restricted to by time + software knowledge.
@ Macker - Hadn't meant it personally (re-read my post and it comes across like that - soz!)...I think I was just struck by the word 'hate'... I guess as well I'm used to seeing the same/similar images posted in the gallery and so seeing something different was refreshing!
I have nothing against individuality, and I'm sorry if you read it that way. I realise this is entirely subjective but I just don't find the style aesthetically pleasing. I don't find myself wanting to linger over the image and examine small details like I do with other works, nor do I find that they communicate the scheme to me. Just an opinion, nothing objective about it.
Great post - nice to read all the background info on the project too rather than just posting the final shots. Also I have to disagree with Macker - its good to see someone doing something different to everyone else in style (even if its not to everyone's taste).
I like the sections, but hate the photoshop images. Sorry, I just don't "get" the style.
i have updated my post with more pics + info