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thank you very much, your advices are been invaluables.... best regards all, roy
much better ! Regards p.s. saw you site, yes this is defenetly better then the one blurred from the website.
hi, roy. this attach is better than your site image. be successful.
thanks all, you're right, i need to reduce the blur before.... i can't remake the render changing materials and so on cause i'm working on severals renders on my prof website...i can only decide the style to give at renders.... that's my under construction website: www.royorengo.com best regards, roy ps what do you think about this solution..?
better but as said before loose the blurr
Hi, Dear Roy. It was too sharp. Preferably, the smaller size now, and many times do the following exercises. - Reflect the material less Now - The lights for some help and you should take it. - So do not try to make use of natural law, is for the virtual world of virtual solutions also can be used. Regards. I'm waiting for a better job, be successful.
Hi Roy, it`s better but still a little work to do. Agree with our colleague MerylN, no need to repeat. Regards
as stated before... 1. lose the blur effect 2. rework the carpet. use a hair&fur object. simple displaced noise maps arent the best choice for carpets 3. change the material on either the back wall or the flower pots. 4. change the material on the ceiling. you wouldnt have a ceiling in the same plain stone in such a room in reallife
what do you think about , now? thank you for your invaluable advices, best regards, roy
thank you, i will work on it! regards, roy
hi roy. Sharpen render Now and work on shadow. Use better material and render some again. This can be a good job. Be successful.
Hi Roy, the floor looks very good, but the carpet needs a little more tuch. I woulf make it a little less blurry, it seems like there`s no focus point. and maybe change the flower pots in white or whatever but not the same texture as on the walls. Hope it helps. Good work