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Thanks Santosh Kumar
No trouble, I hope it's helpful to you. I can be picky :)
Thanks Scott, sure you took a lot of time to give me this heads up. this is really appreciated.
Looks great, awesome attention to detail. The image might benefit from switching to a 2-point perspective (vertical lines straight) and toning down the reflections somewhat. A few more suggestions: It might also be nice to get a glimpse outside, maybe through the left window (even if it's not totally realistic). Cabinet pulls are a little awkward, especially in the uppers at the right edge. Seems like the cabinet faces should have a little more texture, like a subtle wood veneer (?) or similar. Reflections seem to indicate a slight variation in the finish. The face of the dishwasher should probably match the cabinet finish. Upper cabinet should probably not overlap with the window frame, it's awkward to build in reality. These are small things, hopefully will help. Nice image!
Awww... thanks a lot Peter
I thing it's brilliant apart from the poltergeist messing with the bananas :)
Quite a lot of reflection in the scene is a bit distracting for me. Apart from that, some great technical ability demonstrated in this scene.
Thank you very much Matthew and for the comment, it is noted and well appreciated.
Great Light and render!
Thank you very much Digital key
Great Ambiance !!!
Thanks Emile :)
Quite a lot of reflection in the scene is a bit distracting for me. Apart from that, some great technical ability demonstrated in this scene.
Great Light and render!
Great Ambiance !!!
Thanks a lot Frontop