Night Time in Melbourne

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Nice work! Congrats. :)
Google Street view....dear, dear, no wonder photographers are going out of business. You did good job, but I always tell client 'the photo in a montage determines the quality of the final image'. As I say, this comment in now way detracts from your work, I think its very good. Just a shame the client wont spring for a professional photo. Or even get the intern to go to site with a point n shoot.
Tommy, thanks for your comment, so completly true. They did go by chance to the site and photograph it, but was such a shame that none of them suited the views. But yeah I do agree this is a last resort, and we have agreed going forward to get photographs from points we both agree on. Good Point
Thanks Aristocratic3D, it's a commercial exterior for a new mall, the backplate is actually taken from Google Street view, not the best quality but as for the output res was sufficient.
Google Street view....dear, dear, no wonder photographers are going out of business. You did good job, but I always tell client 'the photo in a montage determines the quality of the final image'. As I say, this comment in now way detracts from your work, I think its very good. Just a shame the client wont spring for a professional photo. Or even get the intern to go to site with a point n shoot.
Thanks Aristocratic3D, it's a commercial exterior for a new mall, the backplate is actually taken from Google Street view, not the best quality but as for the output res was sufficient.
Nice job man!
B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L. I guess its a landscaping project. or full 3D?