Exterior Rendering - Critique appreciated

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I have re-rendered this image with a few adjustments in the MR exposure settings and have done a little photoshop work. I think the image didnt really change much from the last one but I need to wrap this one up. THe second image below has a bit of atmosphere effect to make the background fade out and the foreground buildings pop a bit more. I am unsure if I like it better than the first image though. I dont have time to re-render this image but if anyone has some ideas or suggestions for some photoshop work I would love to hear them. Thanks! [ATTACH=CONFIG]43564[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]43565[/ATTACH]
Thanks, that is a good article. I will adjust the settings in MR Exposure. I have never used the Material ID, I will look into that. Thanks again for the tips!
Jeff Patton wrote a good article on the mr aspect: http://www.mrmaterials.com/jeffs-blog/63-lets-help-put-an-end-to-our-low-contrast-renders.html I would also work on it in post production as needed, make sure to render out "Material ID" image so you can tweak as necessary after the fact in post work using select my color on that image that would be a layer you turn on and off as needed in post production. That is my suggestion any way. ;)
Thanks so much for your feedback. I am using the MR photographic Exposure Control. Is that where I would affect brightness, contrast and saturation? Or would it be better to handle on an individual material basis? Thanks again!
I can't be certain as the monitor I use in the architectural office has a subdued orange hue to it, but the image looks like brightness, contrast and saturation of the rendering don't match that of entourage such as the cars. I would bump up the contrast on the image and see if it helps. IMHO