First Bedroom Interior

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A few things right off the bat: 1. As stated earlier, use skylight portals to bring more diffuse light into your space. Right now, the composition is very black/white. You might be able to use some of the lamps to create a few highlights. 2. Work on materials. Wood floors have boards - so you should see each plank instead of one even wood texture. Also, the wood is too reflective - I would tone that down a notch or two. Maybe some artwork in the frames? 3. The furniture in general is a bit bulky. Several different colors of woods/grains on mismatched furniture styles with an odd arrangement is hurting the overall aesthetic imo. 4. Camera angle is somewhat odd. The window ALMOST makes it onto the image, but not quite. Sort of weird visual tension. The closet on the other side bleeds off the page, and doesn't really contain your eye. 5. Lastly, to truly get this to be more realistic, you need to add several more layers of detail/depth in your model. Currently it's fairly clunky and needs refinement. That said, it's a good start and should come together with a little more practice. Good luck.
yea for some reason it wasnt working before but it is now. I sent you my msn details.
I sent a post earlier i dont know why it didnt show up in this thread. Ill be more than happy to help you have msn messenger or skype?
Come on guys surely one of the 100 people that viewed must have some crit, my work ain't that brilliant yet. I really wanna take this scene higher and I am learning vray but until then please sone crit.
One last thing I forgot to mention....DONT FORGET to create Mental Ray skylight portals inside the windows! You can do this by going to your create panel and going to Lights>Photometric>MR Sky Portal. Try to get these as exactly the same size of the windows as you can. Good luck!
Hey buddy!! Ill be more than happy to critique....In truth, your lighting and materials need a lot of work. I'm not too much of a mental ray guy b/c I work primarily with Vray, but I do know a little bit about MR. To start you will need to get your basic settings right because from looking at your render I see that you don't have them set right. Follow these steps in order: 1. Go into your mental ray presets and select the "mental.ray.daylighting.high" preset. After you do this go into your MR indirect illumination tab in your render settings and make sure Final Gather is enabled. 2. At the top of your 3ds max toolbar go to Rendering>Environment. Once you do this you should see a setting for Exposure Control. Make sure this is set to "mr photographic exposure control. This setting is very important because setting is optimized for Mental Ray in order to achieve realistic exposure to your renders. 3. Delete all your lights you have in your scene and create a daylight system. You can do this by going to the top of your toolbar to Create>Systems>Daylight System. This will be the source of your illumination. Once you create this it will ask you if you want to enable the MR Sky, select OK. Once you do this you can go into the MR sun/sky settings and set up your lighting as you with. There are many tutorials on youtube for this. 4. As for materials, 3ds max 2011 is packaged with many great pre-made Mental ray materials within your texture libraries. I would definitely look into using those. If the pre-made MR materials don't suit all your needs and therefore need to make your own custom material, I would recommend using an Arch & Design Material. This is an architectural material for Mental Ray in which you can achieve very realistic detail such as glossy reflections and such. My suggestion would be to try and stay away from standard materials as much as you can when working with MR. 5. Once you get all these done, you will want to mess with your final gather bounces. I see in your image that you are getting very little bounce light. I hope that these steps help you get to where you wanna go. If any questions please feel free to give me a hollar. The best of luck to you! :D