Lightness of Blue #1

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Nice work! Also, thanks for the reference link. There are dozens of great photos on that site.
thanks for the quick response. great minds think alike as we both thought aboutt he wood pattern, seems they make a large piece of wood laminate and cut it and place them next to each other rematching the same grain pattern.
I was thinking like you about the wood mapping before doing this scene, but if you take a look at the reference image, it's like that :) Concerning the lighting, I used a simple vraysun with huge size to get soft shadows and low intensity to get more light from vraysky (set to overcast), plus portals at the windows on the left and a white plane outside to reflect light onto the ceiling. It was a bit tricky to get what I wanted...
great work, how did yo udo your lighting? I think the wood texture on the door panels on the cabinet wouldn't be continious from panel to panel but I could be wrong dependign on the manufacturer's method.