I called it barzan tower

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thanks neil for the comment i will work on it based on your comment..
The foreground needs work on it.
thanks alex i make the background of the main building be dark so that the focus is on the main structure. but alex thak you very much for the honst comment i will change according to your comment and soon i will post it again the revised views. tahks and extending...
I like the overall lighting and pretty good for being your own design. However, when I first saw it, this picture communicated to me a prison, that was my first reaction, yet I don't think that's what you want to communicate. Try changing the angle or making it more open and accessible (like taking the front trees out and putting a road there) and you will get a much better result. That's my viewpoint, there are many things you could do to give different effects, but that's the first thing I'd tackle, what the picture means. Hope that helps.