Interior - Food Court

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nice lighting
thanks guys for comments. I originally sent client two options, one with regular ppl (find it attached below), and another with the whited out figures. I just don't like the one with regular ppl.. seems to me no matter how hard I try, I just can't get the ppl to blend in perfectly with the image. Like Strat... I too like the "ghost"ed up figures :-)... it gives movement/life to the image, without the awkwardness of the obviously photo-shopped folks.
i like this a lot too. im a fan of whited out figures (as can be seen from images on my site)
Love this one very much and if any, I would have scattered the items in the rightside fridge a bit. The people representations are very nice too.
Hey Jonathan. I don't mind about the figures because I use these too if the client need to add some life without real people figures, but I think that the ceiling section including the spots models need more attention.
Nice render and modeling, but the figures make me think ghost are walking around. Nice textures. John