Sean Hockly

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Excellent job on all images. I would have pared back the bloom in the fountain image by about 7%. But a very small (personal) crit on what are otherwise superb images. In answer to BVI's thatching question - I have had to do a few thatch roofs for historical type visualisations. I know how difficult it is, don't think I nailed it as hard as you have. Again, well done.
Great images, textures, lighting, Furnitures choice, all are top-notch .
verry nice archviz and design. Congratulations !!!
Very nice. I know what a mission it is to do thatch - and yours came out great (Do other countries ever have to do 3Ds with thatch?) :)
Great shots, reminds me of the Maldives. V. good. One exception I would lose the cliff face shot.
I agree too. The other are nice images.
These renders look really amazing. I love how realistic the last one is with the fountain. Awesome textures and lighting! John
i really liked that shot, but ur not the first to say that so... its gone :) thanx
Great shots, reminds me of the Maldives. V. good. One exception I would lose the cliff face shot.
I like all the images. Great job...