Chicago Hotel / Bar / Restaurant

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The section works really nicely
Agreed--hard to pull off, but you did. Looking at these I wanted a gin and tonic (Sapphire), so you must be doing something right -- I felt like I was there. The people actually work, though I would love to see a try where they were full images but darkened ALMOST to the point of silhouettes.
Thanks all. Paul I am not a huge fan of the silhouetted people but the people I work with are. In their view there is a commitment undertaken when you start putting real people into concept render you not only run the risk of the visual looking more like a finished space, but you also risk sending the wrong message about the type of crowd that might be attracted to the space. At concept design stages neither of these things are a good thing so the more conceptual (and flexible) you can keep it the better. That being said, in my experience these sort of visuals it don't really work if you have NO people in it as the busy atmosphere is also a selling point, so silhouetted people seems like a happy medium I guess... Justin, although it changed numerous times the section ended up being a crucial image in design discussions and was in some ways the most useful of the lot LOL.
The section works really nicely, jhv
Stylish! Love the look.
I'm not liking the ghost people, they are distracting from the nice imagery of the renders honestly. Also, that stair is not ADA compliant.
Some nice lighting and textures here. Nice job. Thanks for sharing them.
I am looking back at the images and they seem to have been greatly compressed upon upload. The originals are much sharper than this... strange...