Private Dwelling

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Thank you for the detailed feedback Nelson. The image was rendered with a Global Radiosity atmosphere which should have addressed the problem of "black" shadows but you are quite right they are too "black". There are a few tweaks I can meddle with to sort this out. Oh you noticed the =) It was in fact the one thing I liked the least about the image in fact. An issue which appears on the Vue forums especially for Archviz. Sure Vue can produce excellent grass but at cost. Will see what the cost is on resources using a Dynamic Ecosystem for the next Render. With regards to people...presumably you use 2D /billboard people in your renders? I have thought of this but I am not sure how you would achieve realistic shadows and reflections in glass if everything else is in true 3D. I have not explored this in detail so pointers on this will be read with great interest. Thanks again for the positive feedback, Nelson. Very much appreciated.
Thanks very much for the feedback, Alex. The sun exposure did bother me at the time especially with the light coloured stone and roof slates. I spent some time with sun location, atmosphere settings for a while but getting the balance proved a challenge. I think I need to look at the sun/atmosphere settings in more detail and possibly the exposure post render for the next one. Thanks again, Alex.
Hi Simon. It´s a nice start but I think you need to watch out for some things. I don´t really have that much knowledge of Vue but your image is lacking of GI or radiosity (how Vue calls it); it´s too dark in the shadow areas. The grass looks like a plane with noise on it. I don´t know whether the edition of Vue you´re using has the ecosystem population engine which renders beautiful grass. Overall, I think the composition is good. I personally don´t like 3D people but the client is the who decides. Good luck.
Very nice rendering but the 'sun' is overexposing some areas of the image . . . but overall it's a good one.