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very nice
I like it. For the time spend, great job. The cam correction can be done in ps if you want a quick fix for you client, but I'm sure you're aware of that and of the loss of quality associated with the ps filter. The girl is distracting because its an additional focal points in the image.. a nice one, but it detracts from the architecture.
I really like the first render a lot. It's perfect for a viz kind of look. Nice tones as well. Somehow the second image doesn't do the impact.
Really nice lightening and envirement. I wonder how it will looks with camera corection applyed. Best
Hey everyone, for whatever reason i did not notice that and i should.. Hmmm, getting old or could be the very late nights and little things slipping through the cracks.. The job has gone to the client and that subsequently got submitted with the tender however when i get a moment, which is not that often these days, i will come back to this and will do camera correction just to see what it could have been. Thank you everyone again for your comments...
Really nice lightening and envirement. I wonder how it will looks with camera corection applyed. Best
I think camera correction would have gone a long way in helping these images Arnold.
Nice visuals. But I don't understand the girl on the right of the 2nd image.
Very nice
That's a pretty quick turnaround. Fun right? I think they look good. I'm not a fan of the gal in the white and then I'm a little unsure about those two strong shadows (on he main building above the young tree).