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good shot man .. i like it .. it's too cold over there .. i feel it .. but if i were you , i would increase the sun's lens more
IMPRESIONANTE TRABAJO FELICITACIONES. Yo soy Argentino de la prov. de San Juan y te queria preguntar que efecto utilizas en Photoshop para la post ?? gracias [email][/email]
This is a point of view I want to tested from a brazilian house I did a few months ago.
You see the title "Corridor" and don't expect much, but I like this quite a bit. Nice composition and use of light. If I were to critique - two things. The white lines coming from the direction of the light source, not sure how they got there. And the textures - I'd use a better one for the wood and work on it a bit more, and the concrete looks a bit odd on the lower left.
Well done! Great lighting and textures.