living room

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thx for your perceptions, i am still begginer in max so i am learning this immage was made just for better skills in max , also thx
On a technical level, the image is fine but I'm not really sure what the image is meant to convey. At first, I thought it is maybe to sell the furniture but straight on elevation shots of furniture don't really do that very well as you can't get a true sense of the furniture form. The chair is lit more as a secondary element and fairly flat so probably that isn't the subject either. Placing the furniture in front of the expansive view really limits the appeal of the architectural design so it doesn't seem like that is what you are going for either. from a composition standpoint, there are a few things that I would suggest. The rug placement immediately cuts off the lower part of the image so if you bring those corners in, it will make the room seems bigger. extending your canvas on the top so the drapes do not appear to be hanging from the edge of the image would help with this as well. The speakers and plant seem like afterthoughts and really are not helping you sell this space. I would recommend framing this shot differently by rotating the camera around 90 degrees so the large window is on the left side of the canvas. I would also suggest using something other than a black rug.