Christopher Malheiros (December 9, 2011)

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A very dramatic image. It looks like some futuristic Sci-fi scene. I like it as that. If that was your intention then you did a great job. If on the other hand it's supposed to be an archviz of a football stadium then not so much. I would not have know that it was a football stadium if you hadn't put that in the title as most of the building is cut off from the camera angle. Was this a personal project?
Yes, the idea is not creating a realistic archviz super render but yes to set the mood during a football game. outside it's quiet, inside it's colorful and full of lights. and it's not sad, you shouldn't associate blue=sad :) if you take a photo by night it will have a blue sky. The point of view was also meant to create this contrast between the building concrete and natural stone. (i should tell you that it is not the real environment, the real one is with grass but you also have the hill) and it is a personal project because this building already exists. Thanks you can check the real stadium here:
A very dramatic image. It looks like some futuristic Sci-fi scene. I like it as that. If that was your intention then you did a great job. If on the other hand it's supposed to be an archviz of a football stadium then not so much. I would not have know that it was a football stadium if you hadn't put that in the title as most of the building is cut off from the camera angle. Was this a personal project?
love everything in it. I dont know why did this camera man went down there to take this photo. lol. Nice job man. specially the terrain.. how did you model that?