exterior Malvin

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Redirect the lens flare. Very nice work!
Thanks a lot for the comments!
Hi I really like the style of visualization you used in here. I mean besides lens flares and technical stuff, i think this kind of image transmit more than just an architectural visualization, it's like you are showing how the building is going to behave with people, cars, and environment instead of just showing an architectural geometry with textures and lights. Great work!!
Great work! I love that image. Have you used hdri for that work ?
Looks really good like the feel and look in the image (i agree with the rest about the lensflare though) /DIA
Other than the 2 kids and lady in the foreground and the lens flare everything looks good.
Thanks! is true, the reflection of the sun is strong, i like but it may be too ... cars are models, only the white is part of the picture, the people is downloaded from the internet .. from various places, I dont remember, years of search ...
I really like it! I agree with the lens flare comment. I think it's a little distracting. Where do you get your people textures from? I need to upgrade my library and can't seem to find any that look as good as the one's you have in your images.
Ouch, lose the lens flare, everything else is great!
Really like the look of everything. The only thing that bugs me is the left balconies. The texture you used looks like it was stretched a lot. I would love to see it with some panels or wooden boards instead, but past that it's very well done. What did you do for the cars? Are they just low-poly or images?
Nice - really nice - but ....too nice to be real.......hihihihi.........great work......:)