virtual housing estate

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One of the most lovely set of renders in a long time. Truly looks like a morning scene / photograph. Specially the cameras close to the homes / interiors, brilliant. The interior of the Chic house is a killer. Certain places the camera squashes a little too much for me. Can you share something on the light set up for the exteriors. And + 1 to kippu's question - what program did you use to put it together?
what program did you use to put it together? nice set of renders!
its ok brother. sometime pple may confused. i have use a lot of poxy. almost thousands of them. but the rendertime is still ok.2-4hr at 4000pix.. maybe u can try brute-force rather than light-cache. i only use light-cache for interior scenes. Please correct me if im wrong. =] -regards muck
Bro my case is different. it shows it will take 50 hours to finish light cache calculation if I use excessive amount of proxy. :( Its my bad typo. I not good at English.
brother, u mean render farm or render firm? =] well, no matter how long it takes to render-its still worthed ! lols.
I was wondering and asking myself how did u do these renders? Do you own any custom giant pc? or render firms. anyway. I cant render even 1/10 proxies. light cache takes forever. would you please let me know how did you managed these scene? Thanks in advance mate.
brother, u mean render farm or render firm? =] well, no matter how long it takes to render-its still worthed ! lols.
I was wondering and asking myself how did u do these renders? Do you own any custom giant pc? or render firms. anyway. I cant render even 1/10 proxies. light cache takes forever. would you please let me know how did you managed these scene? Thanks in advance mate.
the most soothing scene ive ever seen this month! congrats!
Fantastic set of images. Really well done. Thanks for sharing them.
Supreme work! Congrats!
What a beautiful set of images. you made my day. If I were the judge,. I would award you for the week. I love the green. I love the garden. I love this. Thanks mate for sharing such a stuff. :)
Incredible. I enjoyed the random animals too = )