My workplace

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Awesome image, I love it! I so wish I had your workstation mate, I just want to get to work looking at it. I'm on a over 3 year old laptop and rendering is a pain. Love the wire image too, nice to see, way too rare imo!
hrhr, you're right, they're very subtle, plus the DOF/glow is a little blurring away the details on the floor! Uli
Wait, I see blinds in front of the window, but no shadow on the floor...are they aligned perfectly parallel with the angle of the sun? ;^) Really great image, though. The volumetric light is a very nice touch.
Thx! :) Is's a spot with volumelight. Rendered in a VrayAtmospheric-pass and comped in post. Uli
Nice render. Nice use of lighting and I love the textures. Did you do the light rays in post or volumetric lighting? Good job, thanks for sharing it.