Small Admin Office Building

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just some things both me, the tall gras in the landscaped area, look a bit flat and blurry, and dont really fit in. and the stone has to much contrast. overall i tihnk theres alot of good in this image, the trees at the top of the image may be a bit intrusive. id kinda like to see a tall sky in this image. but thats imo, and the altima on the left the blakc paint needs a higher gloss value
Thanks for the input. Production work typically has lots of areas for improvement, but in the eleventh hour you are just trying to get something presentable out the door. Thanks for commenting on specific areas.
Composition is good but I think the image needs more contrast. Right now, it is hard to feel the energy of the sunlight in the image. Even the sky needs to be brighter and bluer to add more color into the rendering. Some shrubs need a little color correction and shadow painting to blend in with the rest of the image.
Tell me what you really think! ;)
Overaal image is so dull
Nope, the asphalt parking terminates at the landscaped area with no curb for cost savings. Car is parked in a stall adjacent to planting area.
Nice render, do have a question though. The white vehicle in the center, is it parked in the dirt path? The building and the people look cool.