High Rise Meeting Room

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Thanks Charris, Yep. Some normals on the fillet are flipped and backface culling is making a nice long hole in the legs. Not sure how that happened, fixed now. Thanks! I know we've all gotten used to Vray dominating the Arch viz industry but seriously MR works great, it's much easier to work with then it used to be since the addition of A&D materials, also the multi-Pass linear 32-bit work flow is reliable. GI&FG do a decent job and now there's Iray if you have a beefy GPU. I figure MR deserves a little love now and then. I'll document my workflow as soon as I can, but realy most of what I know I learned for Jeff Patton, Master Zap and Ramy Hanna. Those guys have been a huge help to MR users.
Very inspiring. I'm a MR user myself and have rarely seen quality like this. I'll be frequenting your blog good sir. Thank you.
Thanks for the added info. I would say that personally, those are the best MR images I have seen. I thought maybe it was done with Maxwell or Vray, so that makes it even more impressive.
@saturn, thanks! Glad you like them. I am planning some Mental Ray tutorials for my blog, perhaps this scene will be the one to use. I am working on fishing up an animation of this scene as well so it would make most sense to cover that as well. Regarding settings. The scene is using only the MR Sun & Sky (With MR exposure control) plus a self illuminated plane (no GI) about 1500' away from the windows for the BG image. I cache the GI (10' radius 200,000 photons per light), Then cache the FG with draft settings. There is also an AO, Zdepth, MatID, Reflect, specular and Refract pass for added control and tweaking. All rendered in 32 bit OpenEXR for better color correction/exposure control in After Effects and or Autodesk Composite. That's the basics anyway. On my Core i7 3.2 Ghz workstation a 1800 pix wide render takes about 5 to 9 Minutes depending on what passes are turned on. So it's pretty optimized and performs well at large resolutions as long as there's plenty of RAM for all the passes and the 32bit Float work-flow.
I think I can honestly say I'm speechless. What great renderings. Would you mind posting settings and scene setup? I think this would be a terrific "making of" project.
Thanks everyone! @rac2181 & Saturn, ya it does look high there doesn't it. I hadn't really noticed it until you mentioned it. I checked my measurements and the table top is in fact 28 inches (71cm) which is the actual work surface height and fairly typical. I think what's creating the illusion of too high is the fact I have the chairs at their lowest positions. They are sitting around 15"(38cm) Which is way too low. The Arm rests really should be just under the bottom of the table top. Also I didn't push the chairs in so that only adds to the effect. It's bugging me now:p I'll have to adjust that. @Think. You are right. Actually I rendered in passes and boosted my reflections by about 50% just to make them pop a bit more. I supposed I could use the Mat ID pass to exclude the metals that are already very bright. BTW here are some of the other shots for that scene + an AO wire. [ATTACH=CONFIG]41503[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]41502[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]41501[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]41504[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]41505[/ATTACH]
Nice image [COLOR=#000000][COLOR=#3E3E3E][FONT=Tahoma]Samuel. The only comment is that the inox material is too bright.[/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR]
Great lighting! Backround, lighting and shading works very well, a good result. Contrats
Great render, my only comment is the height of the Table!
+1 Really nice though! Great work.
Great render, my only comment is the height of the Table!
One of the best MR photo-real render I've seen. Congrats