NY residential lobby design

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Here is an updated model for the lobby. The floor sucks I know, its the existing floor and the don't want to change it as of right now so hopefully we can convince them to update it as well. This is just a quick render so I know there is a ton of noise and I haven't done any post processing work. I took your advice and dropped the ambient occlusion down to almost nothing. Ill be setting a final render tonight and than do some post processing work in Phostoshop tomorrow. Thanks
If you have problem with intesity of lights, and you're using correct gamma, then change color mapping, either exponential or Reinhard with low burn value, and then up the exposure. Defintiely get rid of the ambient occlusion, it doesn't suit white interiors at all.
Ricardo EloyVanguard
Looks promising. Still a little too empty, but I'm sure it will get better once props are put in.