Interior shopping mall

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Really a nice job.......:)
I appreciate its not your design but the big expanse of white ceiling is a shame. It needed a little detail adding to break the large area of white.
Tnx! I understand what you are saying about the light from the upper floor and the highlights. It was also the wish of the client to keep the upperfloor a bit darker to keep it readable. I am going to work on the people
I think it looks good, but I would expect the upper level to be brighter and the lighting on the people needs a little bit more work to match the sccene.
I think the image needs a bit more of highlights, I think this will bring a more interesting Illumination. But I agree with the coment above, Its too hard to make a good lighting of mall interiors
Very nice. Mall interiors are a pain in the ass to get right and you have done some great lighting on this. The People also work nicely. Well done.