Light office

The design of this office space is distinguished by its luxurious and presentable interior design. A warm range of colors predominates. Walls of pastel tones. The smooth floor covering from the tile preserves the sense of space. The interior contains office furniture, consisting of chairs and a table. A glass partition separates the areas of management and employees. Additionally, the leader's area is accented with a wooden insert on the wall. Also, this part of the wall is illuminated. A laconic office table and chairs decorate this work area. Excellent decor in this part of the room shows the status of the leader.
The space of the room is large, so it is illuminated by different light sources. Light bulbs built into the ceiling give soft lighting. The original chandeliers can be used to illuminate the working area. An interesting decor element is represented as a niche with an image of a geographical map, which is also highlighted.

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