Evermotion Challenge 2019 - The Time of Change

Evermotion Challenge 2019 | The Time of Change
Project type: personal project
Project year: 2019
This image of the upcoming future is supposed to represent a search for a balance between exciting innovations and deepening problems that might occure in the time of change. If our planet will experience an extreme climate change, we might find inhabiting it quite hard or even impossible. Therefore we will need a safe place to live, a piece of architecture that will protect us from the external world. That's where it gets exciting. 
On the one hand, we might build something beautiful. Advanced-tech ships, which will fly through the dangerous fields searching for a safe land, or simply drifting until our planet gets better. Will all of us be that lucky, though? In the shadows, those who were left behind, struggle to survive, getting only glimpses of the life of the more fortunate. For them, architecture needs to be something simple, affordable and easy to recreate. In the future, the separation between higher and lower classes of society might escalate to extreme levels. If we want to avoid it, or even slow down that process, we simply cannot invest only inexpensive, high-end architecture. 
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