My first House - Waimarama

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Great Final Lars! Love the image. Very well done.
Great final. Much improved from the initial post. The only thing I noticed is that your verticals are slightly off. correct the vertical distortion in photoshop and your're groovin'.
Okay so here is my final Result.[ATTACH=CONFIG]46315[/ATTACH]
Thanks for the kind comments! I am in the final stages of doing some post work on that second image. I think its going to turn out real nice. Remember I am not new to 3DS Max or 3D in general just to the field of Arch Viz, most of my 3D work revolves around Oil, and Gas at work.
Great image for your first time. You did excellente job. Can't imagine what you'r going to do in a few years. :)
Great Job on the 2nd image, very nice!...
The rendering does look realistic but one major fault i find is that the things are a bit out of proportion... i mean, people sitting on chairs of those size will never fit through the gates... try decreasing the size of the chairs... and the windows maybe... otherwise, its great for a first timer.....
I agree the update looks much better than the first post. Now there is really not much too add to the image, maybe a little DOF. Good job !
Much better :)
[ATTACH=CONFIG]46178[/ATTACH] Here is a quick update on what I have changed based on your feedback. Let me know is this is heading int he right direction.
I think it's very good render, definitely very professional. If I can comment though, I would have few suggestions. I think more wide composition is more attractive, the house would be then offset from centre. I would also put more background, so it doesn't look so isolated, it would again help with composition and realism. Last, I would also play with sun position, so it's more from side. It will create slightly more dramatic shadows on front facade, which won't appear so flat. Great job though, good attention to small details.
Well if that's your first can't wait to see what your second looks like. Good job
it's very nice, i like the design
Thanks for the feedback! Yeah the glass does seem to be dark, I think that is just my bad with playing the the reflection vray pass. Yeah I never really tried playing around with sun position all that much. I will try playing with it.
The front and right sides of the house are illuminated almost evenly. Maybe swing the sun over to the left and down so the right side of the house is darker - adding to the illusion of depth.
I don't think it is bad at all. Pretty good actually. The reflections on the glass may be a little strong and the stovepipe looks a little like white plastic but neither of those are major issues.