Winter reflection

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nice atmosphere.I like it.
Love it ... feels like winter alright, my only crit is on the last image, on the left side you see alot of grass in the reflection .. somehow it sticks out for me ... still a very nice work
your given link to the image is not working Ryder :(
My bad, checked and my storage was full.... try it now:
your given link to the image is not working Ryder :(
I made this really big tiled texture, you can have it if you want Then simply used 2D displacement with it. I used only one texture on whole surface, which looks odd...but this was to cut time, deadline was really short :- ) Check Bertrand Benoit's tutorial on snow, very useful !
Love your work. Atmosphere is great. You have pretty good renders in your portfilio :). Can you tell how you made the snow? Keep up the good work