Test render for school

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Glad to help.
thanks. I do have lighting problems and I am still learning so these kind of reply's help me a lot. I will re-look at everything and re-post. Thanks
The upholstered items are off.. Try a different material. Also, do you have sky portals outside the windows? It feels like there should be a stronger gradient of light to dark as the eye moves from the window to objects closer to the camera. If you are using sky portals (and they are pointed in the right direction) then lower the exposure to say.. 13 or 14 (for mr photographic exp cont.) That should give the image a stronger contrast value. You could also throw a slight glare on that image as photographs of windows will typically blow out the image slightly. Also, the wooden legs on the sofa are slightly too reflective/glossy. GL m8
Thanks. I must admit, I have gotten a taste for Architectural modeling and obviously need to learn a lot so I will be asking you guys a lot of questions....................if you don't mind.
Nice job David, Just seems to be lacking somthing, maybe the strong light from the sun outside washing the wall to the left..!
Thanks. Not sure what you mean about the sofa generating GI?. It was based on a Japanese room, they don't normally have down lights. Thanks again for the comment.
not bad for a 16week 3ds course i guess ur sofa's are generating GI u need to do someting bout that..the curtain wall looks kinda flat...or maybe its the view over all its a good job ...wat bout the downlights dude..:)..