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taking another look, it seems like the chair on the left is missing contact shadows... and the angle of the image in the background seems to be off compared to how the camera is aimed.
thanx for the responds. this is mainly lighting/rendering study.. the materials wre pyut quickly. the old looking tiles..thats the whole contemporary idea in taht work of mine-modern furniture meets old floor and walls. I`d love to get some lighting hints and recommendations.
and I would also say that if someone takes the time review your render and posts a comment to help you try and improve your work... that you not laugh it off.
I agree with both Paul and Dejal's comments and add that maybe the camera target needs to be lifted a little and take a little focus off of the floor...
stagger the seams on the floor - you wouldn't see a repetitive tile/brick pattern like that for a wood floor. otherwise nice work
I would agree and besides that, bump on the floor is too exaggerated, which is a problem with white leather as well. If you are looking a sofa from 3 meters far, you wouldn't see the bump that hard. Spacing on the tiles on shorter edges is too big also, looks like you could almost put a finger between them. Black leather on the left is perfect, maybe even too perfect, but that's fine. Maybe you should reduce the saturation on wooden parts of the sofa, they pop out too much. nice work, cheers
lol how could you know what I`ve seen?
stagger the seams on the floor - you wouldn't see a repetitive tile/brick pattern like that for a wood floor. otherwise nice work