.:designers house:.

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We are also very happy to get a very active friend in the forum. we enjoy your comments.
Am happy to have new friends that a willing to criticize and sharing ideas on the same interest! God bless u all! :o
Am happy to have new friends that a willing to criticize and sharing ideas on the same interest! God bless u all! :o
I Agree
Also the horisont line of the back image doesn't fit the render.
aw no srry man, I misunderstood you said "another early test on proxy & lighting. C&C are warm welcome." - TEST ON PROXY - I thought you were still developing this scene.
dear ethan..ouchh! =p this actually in the early stage of me using vray max. lost the file already. i would love to make em look proper now. lols. dear dmitry, thanks 4 the truthful comments. will take note of it if i find the max file later on.
shouldn't this be in the WIP section?...
As for me the first problem is connected with the scales of the textures (wood, water waves) and objects (the trees on the back side). Also the horisont line of the back image doesn't fit the render. And some more work with materials (wood, concrete, water and shore) and lighting (the image seems flat, as for me there is no enougth contrast ) would be nice.