House in "Vilamar"....

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Very nice renders, I think the word you were looking for in English is 'tinted glass' which reduces the amount of UV radiation which enters a building.
Here are two interior´s time to move on.
The scene is illuminated only by Sun+Sky and besides a glass door on the end of the dining room to go in to the kitchen (but no real light actually get's to the dining room through there) that glass wall is the only way that light gets in.
Touche, good points. I guess I'm so used to people illuminating their interiors on this type of shot. Are there any other window in the room or is that glass wall the only direction light enters the room from?
Tanks, Tron. I'm glad you like it. About the a brighter interior on the 1st image, I think that the image is correct, because there is a "sun blocker" (I don´t know the English term) that it's purpose is to shade the interior. Beside that Luxrender is a physically based and unbiased rendering engine thus producing realistic images.
I like the style. Nice photo grain effect on these images. My only crit is that the interior of the 1st shot should be brighter (physically speaking). With that much sunlight and not too much burn on the exterior, I would expect to see a slightly brighter interior. Great work overall.
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