Tiny Room Addtion

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Then do a shot from above and remove the ceiling, or use a wider angle lens. Right now, it looks like you are trying to focus on the furniture, not the room as a whole. Also, think about using smaller furniture. The big, plush chair may be better replaced by a something a bit more delicate for such a small room (for rendering purposes). The lighting/textures looks OK, but it's rather noisy. Also, there is too much glare from the lamp on the table. This may be more realistic, but it's the first thing my eye sees.
Thanks for the comment, I understand what you are saying. But it is a very tiny room (about 10' x 10'), there's not much room to show anything else.
My first impression was it's a crop of a larger image, and I want to see the rest of it. Could you show a little more of the room?