Eden apartment

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Thx u. Kas: Gus is right :), it's the best way to do with Vray. This is the screenshot, hope can help you something (I used LWF in this scene) http://www.flickr.com/photos/3darcspace/6903341166/sizes/l/in/photostream/
A suggestion mi amigo. Normally for me. I used Vray sun and for the entry points of light let say for example I put Vray plane light and in the setting i change it to sky portal and click the box that says SIMPLE. Camera I used vray camera and setting differs refgarding the intensity of the light in the room similar if your using an actual DSLR Camera. for the setting of vray the most common setting will do. I hope it helps you.
Im really wondering about your light settings.. im working now for a week with my own scene.. everything is done great. but i just cannot find the right settings for my F* scene.. What did you do? vray sun with plane lights as the key? What is the multiplier and the temperature.. any important render settings mayb. It would be a great help. thx