simple houses

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Maybe just a glossier finish would help the lights. I like the fotosketcher image. It gives it a whole different feel and much more artistic. I will have to look into that software.
Hey Guys, I had some free time tonight so thought I have a try at fotosketcher for this image. I saw some cool results on the topic about this some time ago but so far didn't have time to test it. I most say I'm impressed with the software and I think you can get some great results from it, especially if you take some time and not only depend on the software itself. My test isn't the greatest and it's almost the pure result from fotosketcher, I only removed some light layers from my psd file and made the sky a bit darker blue plus added a line layer that I rendered using sketch and toon. I do believe that a layer like that adds alot to the image because without I myself don't think you can see the building good enough. Oh and also I added a raw render from cinema 4d to show the difference with the final image and maby easer to give some comments on that to improve my 3d part. Han
Thanks Alot Andrew. Your right about the trees and the hedge, would be good for me to add the mulch. The street got a texture on it but maby not clear enough, maby I should add some displacement or some dirt. The light on the right I added in ps so easy for me to remove that, maby I added a bit to much. About the street lamps they should be there so can't remove them but how do you think I can improve them, your right that they not really seem to fit the rest of the image, looks a bit like I pasted a image on it but it's 3d. Once again thanks for the comments, will help me alot. Han
Han- I think your image is pretty good. The trees look good, although I would maybe add some mulch at the base to help make them a bit more realistic. I would also add mulch under the hedges in front of the building rather than grass. I would either remove or work on that street lamp. It looks too fake the way it is. I would also adjust the lighting so the right side of the image isn't burnt out. The road could use a bit of texture also. Hope this helps, I in no way am doing renderings that are this nice yet as I'm new to it all, but this is my opinion.
Hi guys, Is my image so bad? If so I would really appreciate some comments how to improve myself. Also some comments on the style I use would be nice, I'm not really going for the most realistic result more to just make a nice looking image. So comments on that would also be great. I really want to get better so you can be as hard in your comments as you want, it will make my work better so I would appreciate it very much. Han