Renderings too grainy

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I think that you should increase shadow subdivision of the VRay sun, this should reduce the grainy border between the shadow and direct light. Normally it is 3 i think. For environmental light is better VRay dome light for using with VRay sun. And also a classical VRay light for sky-portals should get rid of the splotchy walls.
Placing a skyportal where light comes in should remove problems with noise (also will increase render time). Cheers!
I found it very useful to spend some time exploring the Universal V-Ray Settings. Check it out, then optimize.
Your V-Ray::Adaptive DMC image sampler is set to "Use DMC sampler threshold" On the V-Ray::DMC Sampler, the "Noise threshold" is set to 0.01, set it to 0.005 Normaly, Max Exposure Control is not used with Vray if you use the Vray Physical Camera; however, whatever works for you... I don't see the Sun described, are you just lighting with the environment? VraySun Parameters?
thanks! The vray sun settigs are one the far right of my vray settings
Your V-Ray::Adaptive DMC image sampler is set to "Use DMC sampler threshold" On the V-Ray::DMC Sampler, the "Noise threshold" is set to 0.01, set it to 0.005 Normaly, Max Exposure Control is not used with Vray if you use the Vray Physical Camera; however, whatever works for you... I don't see the Sun described, are you just lighting with the environment? VraySun Parameters?
Thanks! The vray sun settings are on the far right of the vray settings. Im just using the suns lighting and my own image for the environment BG
Your V-Ray::Adaptive DMC image sampler is set to "Use DMC sampler threshold" On the V-Ray::DMC Sampler, the "Noise threshold" is set to 0.01, set it to 0.005 Normaly, Max Exposure Control is not used with Vray if you use the Vray Physical Camera; however, whatever works for you... I don't see the Sun described, are you just lighting with the environment? VraySun Parameters?