Tiles Presentation Images

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I'm impressed, these look awesome. Looks like you got them perfectly!
Thank you!
I'm impressed, these look awesome. Looks like you got them perfectly!
Thank you again Erich! The tile company had sent me the real sample in order to scan these and make seamless textures in order to make the designs. This is Vray with much post production though.
Nice work Think. The variety of compostion is great. I really like the context that you provided for each tile. Just enough to make it interesting, but not overwhelming. Were you able to compare the results of lighting effects that you were getting on your 3D materials with those of real-world installed product. Or did you just have the sample products to work with? Is this Vray or Mental Ray? or neither?
Thank you Jon!
Very Nice Love the texture you have achieved on the materials
Thank you William! The physical tiles were delivered from the tiles company and then I scanned, corrected in photoshop, made seamless-colour maps-bump maps and then were used in 3D designs.
very nice, did you make those maps yourself?