Interior at night

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hey! a nice image in the overall! i will suggest you some little changes that would enhace the image, in my opinion. First of all you wold need an ambient light (placed on the right side of the room) in order to rise up the general light, you have really dark areas (sofa, ottoman left face). Then what i think is the most noticable mistake is the lamp on the table. That lamp should wive a diffuse light (with diffuse shadows) and now looking at the shadows it casts looks more like an omni light, try replacing the light it has for a vray spherical light or a ies with a nice curve, that will help a lot. Personally i dont like the plant, its like too "bushy" maybe a thinner one would be better. And of course a good photoshop post production always helps a lot, jus adding a little glow will make it much interesting. Hope it helps you, cheers!