Sofa Visualisation / Condo Interior

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wow! thanks guys for the feedback, thats great much appreciated, I am rendering out some more camera angles and maybe will play with the acrylic material, and maybe try a dayscene render(s) also, thanks!
The floor reminds me of the resin with which some architects cover the old floor underneath. Never saw it on the ceilings, but its a good idea. Trigger the background image a little so the buildings show up vertical. Good render.
Overall nice rendering. The lighting seems to be a little bright. I think if you dim them down a little and warm the temperature of the lights and tone the glossiness of the ceiling I think it would help. pretty nice composition.
Nice job, my only crit would be the ceiling, it seems a little too glossy for my liking. Great job on the background.
didnt mean to scare ne1, just that im a big fan of bleach....!!! About the image, u can add a dark coloured rug under the center table,illuminate the far end a bit more and the ceiling is a bit too glossy for my taste, but tats personal. Overall the image looks very nice.
Nice work r3nder - my only critique would be against the floor/ceiling. The rendering is cool, but I've never seen a seamless acrylic floor or ceiling in real life. If that's truly the material, then more power to it! But visually, it stands out to me because of the oddity.
Nice render.
Thank you Deathgod! Your name scares me lol! How can I improve please? Is the background looking ok to you please? Thanks again!
Nice render.