Interior practice

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gracias señor!!! :)
The middle shelf should be thicker or u should add a support in its middle... since it wont hold all those books Nice lighting
muy buen trabajo fargot! ... me gusto mas tu imagen nocturna... alomejor algo mas calida para dar el contraste con el blanco. Me gusto mucho el brillo de la madera satinada blanca! Saludos!
thanks all for your comments. They are very useful for me, i'm glad when i get this kind of critics, they all are from a different perspective of mine. So it's cool to read them, so i can improve myself.
Rendering wise - well done. The lighting in both schemes is quite good. Architectural wise - pretty darn boring. I think there is a difference between a clean minimalist feel and an overly stoic space devoid of character. The white material is the easy out and doesn't really test your ability as a designer nor a cgartist. The only interest in the scene is the imported 3rd party objects. Sorry this is a bit harsh. I do think the rendering is good, but could be pushed a lot harder.
Very nice! I like the clean look. However, the wood floor seams look a bit odd.
Nice and crispy! The only problem that jumps at me is the 77th book...
[ATTACH=CONFIG]41020[/ATTACH] Night view