Brazilian Corporate Building

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good image! i agree with alsabti, needs lots of work on that sky, just adding a nice one would improve a lot the global feel! The buildings look good, i like the water spots on the street but to work better the whole street should have a bit of reflection, now those sppots look a bit like oil spots instead. A really weak point is that on the left side (where the street finishes) theres nothing in the backgroud, seems that the world finishes over there!! add some buildings or a tree to fix that. And the other weak point are the pedestrains, they look like zombies to me!! give them more movement, randomize the position and rotation, give them life!! Keep up the good work, cheers!
very nice work and a little bit of comments like i am only not comfortable with the water on the street. The clouds behind the tower needs to go a bit higher. is it a car show building or something else? because i see on the reflecting glass of the building a lot of cars while there are only three on the street! for the rest its a great job.