chapel and crypt

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Well, thank you all for the comments! Answering your questions, the design is not mine at all, this was planned by my friend, who is another architect. This chapel is located underground, in the heart of a mountain and yes it is bare concrete completely :D. Thanks, again, will post again soon. Pete
Post apocalyptic church ;) I like the idea. I'd like more post production. Something more dramatic. Perhaps something like that, with your own style: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45197[/ATTACH]
Sorry if I sound rude... didnt meant to be mean :P Well, to me the most obvious point is the missing of textures.... if its all bare concrete, then try to put some dirt into it so it doesnt seems that plain and grey.... further more, you could try to add some stuff in there, since these tables (?) are the only thing at all and they seem a little too "blocky".... Is this your own design or did you get some inspiration from an exisiting chapel like that? Just wondering.... looks really - well - minimalistic to me ;) You can see that the tables are instances of one original, since you can see the repeating mapping on the front side of it... just do maybe 2 or 3 different ones and copy them over, then move the mapping gizmo a little so they look different.... oh and maybe try to chamfer the edges a little (unless you didnt do so already ;) Maybe you want to put some more specific lighting in there, you know, in order to get some highlighted areas of interest - maybe not... well just think about it :)
This is my first post on CGarch, I just wanted to see the members reaction to my work:)
Hmmm yeah well.... what do you want to hear? :P Good modelling? Cool textures? Its pretty grey :) ^^