Day Bathroom

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it`s good but roof's height is high.
Thanks for the info.
I glad u like it guys. About the lighting, all you need is a good reference picture and to train your eyes a bit. Its all about a practice.. I usually use photo-shop for my color correction process, but as I've discovered with a time, AE works better. It's more adjustable, you can always replace the footage by the corrected one without going back in your post work. (I work with AE and 3ds max parallel - so you can always see what you will get as result). Raw render attached. Good luck !
Very nicely lit. Long time seen such a nice scene. Got a great feel to it. Very calm and peaceful. Would appreciate if you could share a bit on the lighting / post work. Edit - I think the sliding glass door is missing a handle.
Great lights on the wall. Some objects seam to lack contact with the surface .... IMO. RK
render looks fantastic
Nice...! Great Work!