The Viscato team prepared a new project of the housing complex in Wieselburg. This project perfectly shows the contemporary standards of residences. The complex is equipped with different modern facilities. At first, the huge playground for kids with juicy green grass. The surrounding territory is very important. Here the house tenants may spend the time together with kids to play games, make a picnic, or breathe some fresh air. This is a great chance to plant trees and flowers, decorate the territory. The Viscato 3D artists did not forget about small and cozy terraces and glass balconies. By the way, the glass balcony is the newest trend in modern exterior design and architecture. You may also see soft summer chaise-longue, where it is such a pleasure to rest. This housing complex is a great option for families. The two-story houses have big extended windows with rolling shutters, protecting from the sun, and safety.

Our team is sure many people would like to live in such a house complex. This is a great opportunity to live in high tech and comfortable housing.

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