Winning Project C40 Reinventing Cities Crescenzago area: Green Between Urban Textures

Redo Sgr, Arw associates, Stantec S.p.A., Fondazione Housing Sociale, Cresme Ricerche spa, GET srl, Dipartimento di Energia del Politecnico di Milano, EON Business Solution srl, è nostra, MIC Mobility In Chain srl, AG&P GreenScape, Planet Idea srl, In Vento Innovation Lab Impresa Sociale srl, Consorzio SIR - Solidarietà In Rete Soc. Coop. srl, Avanzi srl, In Domus srl
We took part in this original project by supporting the client with all the visual communication and always giving importance to the architects’ point of view.
Our visualization revolves around a new “green agora” project that rehabilitates and reconnects the urban area around Crescenzago with Parco Lambro giving back to the town a new sustainable district
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