Unreal engine 4.7 Archviz Animation

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lumion repeat that I do not know but if I were to be based on the render I find doing a search on cg architect and comparing them ..........
I have not expressed any opinion on lumion because I don't know, I just said that to me with unreal engine achieves excellent results but for comparison you have to use both at high levels.
thanks for your response, i think i need to test it
I don't use luminion but Unreal engine for me have a great power an you can push to a great result. It's vast program and depends by your knowledge to determine if and easy or difficult to use, but the results pay.
may i ask you that among unreal engine and lumion (which also include free version) which one is better choice? i haven't tried unreal engine and lumion is perfectly fast and easy to use but i am curious about unreal engine and i want to ask a pro user

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